“I see the growth of the school as a hub of education among the community,” Principal Anil shares. “In fact, many children that come to this school also go to …
Educating Children
When people become parents, their entire world changes. Their heart expands and they want to do everything in their power to provide for their children. They want their child to …
A Great Opportunity
The average income in villages in Nepal is less than $2 per day and even less for women. Unfortunately, many men don’t spend the bulk of their income on their …
Fathered By God
In Nepali culture, fathers are typically strict and controlling, filling the role of disciplinarian. For many men, the idea of God being our loving and forgiving father who wants to …
Healed Heart and A New Life
“Youths will become tired and weary, young men will certainly stumble, but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; …
Determination for Education
In rural Nepal, income has a large impact on access to formal education. Without a great deal of sacrifice, determination, and financial success most people in small villages end up …
Binu’s Faith
“Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and …
Over $100,000 Raised
You surpassed our goal! Thank you to everyone who gave this September and October. We are humbled, honored, and excited to share that your generosity not only met our 100% …