Principal Anil

“I see the growth of the school as a hub of education among the community,” Principal Anil shares. “In fact, many children that come to this school also go to our church and attend Sunday school. There they teach the Bible and other morals. I’ve seen the students apply these lessons in school too.”

Anil Chaudhary works and lives in far west Nepal in Kota. In this small village, parents have the option to send their children to government schools, but unfortunately, those schools do not provide for the whole child or community because they’re overpopulated and under-funded. 

When Anil and the other pastors and Christian leaders came together, they saw a need for the Christian school and decided to start Kota Academy. Anil has a passion to see children educated and for the success of his community. For that to happen he’s found that, “educating the children is better when they get to stay with their family.”

Principal Anil has built rapport with the families in the community and he loves seeing the positive changes education is making. “Those that have passed grade 10 and are going to grades 11 and 12 and even to get their Bachelors Degree, are always coming to ask the counsel of the principal.” When asked, he says his dream would be for past students “to return and serve the community and people.”

Your donation helps support Principal Anil and his staff as they educate children in west Nepal. Click here to make a gift FOR THE CHILDREN today.