What if your favorite breakfast treat could help you achieve some of your wildest dreams? For Asher McKenna, that’s pretty much what happened. He was able to make and sell …
2019 Pastors’ Conference
Preaching the Gospel and serving the poor, it can be easy to adopt a scarcity mindset. And yet, God owns everything and desires to provide for our physical and spiritual …
Rupee Value Drops
Last year the Indian Rupee and Nepali Rupee values dropped dramatically by 17% at their lowest point, the lowest in 15 years. This is a by-product of the trade war between …
God’s Name Glorified
“We don’t have many churches in Nepal, and only a few people hear about the gospel, so that is why we need to train people.” Nepal Director Bekharaj is …
Around The World
This November 2018 ServLife’s Donor Relations Coordinator Heather Reid joined a team to travel to Nepal and conduct a two-day children’s program in Kathmandu and west Nepal. Heather shares …
The New Jonah
Kul moved to Kathmandu to find work after Nepal’s civil war. His neighbor was a Christian and invited him to church. Initially, Kul was skeptical of all religions, …
Fourteen New Pastoral Students
As many of you are getting back into the routine of a new school year, our pastoral training and equipping school is also underway. This year, fourteen students ages 22 …
He Knows Them By Name
“Why don’t you pray about ways you can get involved from Indianapolis?” Chandler’s mom asked after her daughter expressed an interest to go to Nepal and participate in God’s work …
Changes for Nonprofits in Nepal
ServLife’s calling is to work in the most marginalized places in the world, which often results in pushback socially, religiously and politically. In the last few months we have faced …
A Healthy Church Body
A healthy church needs a strong pastor and strong congregation that will support the church and tend to its needs. In addition to the annual Pastors’ Conference, ServLife hosts an annual …