At age six Deepa was cleaning and working for her family instead of attending school. Following her father’s tragic death in a road accident Deepa’s mother was left with few …
Birthday Girl
On Saturday, April 25, Sujata’s mother went to the bathroom and never came back. The terrible earthquake that struck that day dropped the building on her, leaving Sujata’s father a …
Survival Into Celebration
In the intensity of May, India’s hottest month, it is difficult even to survive in northern India- let alone feel like celebrating. Nevertheless, a spirit of joy persists in Bihar …
Faithful Resolve
In Romans 8:6 Paul writes, “Focus the mind on the flesh, and you’ll die; but focus it on the spirit, and you’ll have life, and peace.” I don’t know about you, …
Breathing Deeply
Almost all day I’ve had “Your Love Is Strong” on repeat. Jon Foreman sings through my earbuds, “Heavenly Father, You always amaze me. Let Your kingdom come in my world …
Jesus Says, “I Got This.”
Luke 12:29 and 31 read, “So do not be overly concerned about what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not worry about such things. Instead, pursue his kingdom, …
Full of Life
Abisekh is vibrant, even for a toddler. At almost three years old, he is very small for his age, but is still full of energy—chasing his adopted siblings through the …