In July, a team from Indiana journeyed around the world to Nepal with ServLife to lead a teachers’ training conference. The team, made up of Erica Sahm, Ruth Moll and …
Building Together
ServLife’s work in Nepal includes a powerful month-long training program designed to equip Christians to serve within churches throughout the country. The program, titled, “How to Help My Pastor,” equips …
Changed Forever
Josh and Natalie Case joined ServLife on our last trip to Nepal. It was a life changing experience. Josh has taken the time to share how their hearts were broken …
At The Crossing Church in Costa Mesa, Jesus’ heart for the marginalized shines through. Tim Celek pastors a congregation of believers that have responsive hearts for the call to love …
India 2012 Conference
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of …
Nepal 2012 Conference
God’s presence and provision were abundant at the Nepal pastor’s conference in November. The theme for this year was found in Philippians 1:6. “…being confident of this, that he who …
Dental Trip
In early November a ServLife team from Texas traveled to Eastern Nepal to offer dental services. They arrived in the village of Chouphal and were greeted by ServLife’s Eastern Nepal …