There are 167,026 people in Nepal’s Bhajang District, but only two churches. In fact, there are around 2,000 villages in Nepal that have not yet heard the gospel. ServLife’s Pastor …
Continuing Change
A guest blog from ServLife HOPE Fund Director Sam Lemmons about his and his wife’s work with ServLife’s micro-finance program. The HOPE Fund micro-finance program had its start in Nepal …
Visiting The Prisoner
Nepali pastors serve their communities in many ways beyond preaching from a pulpit on Saturday morning (in Nepal the Sabbath is celebrated on Saturday). They are taking seriously the directive …
2014 Vision Trip
Late this October a team from Indiana went on a journey of learning and discovery. The trip’s purpose was to allow the team to open their minds and hearts to …
Goats for Grandparents
In the beautiful Surkhet Valley of Nepal, the main industry is agriculture, and most people work as field hands earning about 2 dollars a day. This is not a profession …
Warned By God’s Voice
A few weeks ago, Tek Bahadur was woken up in the middle of the night by the voice of God. Tek heard God tell him while he was sleeping that …
HOPE Grows
Early this year the HOPE Fund launched in the Surkhet Valley of west Nepal and is having an immediate impact: Hope Grows from servlife on Vimeo. Since the HOPE …
Overwhelming Faithfulness
Udaya Bhatta, our Nepal Children’s Director, visited the USA in May for the first time and got to explore Indiana, California, Texas, Ohio and Colorado. We shared meals with friends, …
Valuing Partnership
In April I spent two weeks in India and Nepal visiting with our directors, meeting with pastors, sharing sponsor packets with children and interviewing families in the micro-finance program. I slept …