
“Ten days before I was born I lost my biological father,” Lila shares. “After I was born, our biological mother left me and my sister at a temple.” At 15 months old, Lila and her older sister were brought to the ServLife children’s home in Kathmandu where they were raised as part of a large family. “I got to live here. I got to study. I got to grow up in this home. Staying here, I got a family.”

Lila is grateful to her home parents and new family that created stability in her life, showed her care and love, and provided a solid education. “I got a family over here whom I can lean on whenever I need someone, or whom I can lean on whenever I’m in a bad phase of my life,” Lila recalls. “Whenever I need support I can lean on them.”

A diligent student, Lila received a college scholarship with a major in Computer Science and Information Technology. “This generation is all about computers. It’s all about modern devices,” Lila shares. She currently rents an apartment with fellow “sisters” from the children’s home that are also attending college. In the evening she tutors students in the children’s home where she grew up. She can’t imagine where her life without her new family, “If I was not here I don’t know where would I be. I don’t know if I would have lived or died also.”

Lila has great appreciation and affection for her home parents, Udaya and Bhakti. They dedicated “their life to us just to make our life better. They never cared about themselves but about us. They have always been there with me and my family.” She is also appreciative of ServLife International and her sponsors “for supporting me and helping me reach to that of my life where I am independent and confident.”

Lila recently joined 31 other graduated students from the sponsorship program for a formal dinner, and they created a text chain to all stay in touch. Lila hopes to one day become a donor, like the loving sponsors that supported her over the years. “When I grow up, when I start earning a life,” Lila hopes, “I would love to help them back.”