ServLife School Launched in India

We have officialy launched a new school out of our day care center in north India named SLIMS (Servlife India Mission School) It is only primary school up to class two.  The …

Empowering Women in Nepal

ServLife sponsored 5 regional women’s conferences throughout Nepal in 2004 in bringing together women for 2-3 days of fellowship, Bible teaching, singing, and meals together. Over 600 women in Nepal …

First Co-workers Conference Held in India

At the end of November, ServLife hosted the first annual Co-workers conference for the indigneous staff of ServLife in India.  The conference was for church planters that ServLife has trained …

India Impact by Numbers 2004

ServLife’s current facility can train 12 students per year to start a church. We hope to increase this number in the future with new facilities. Students have to have a …

ServLife Dinners 2004

Come and hear Joel & Elise Vestal share about the vision and work of ServLife! RSVP via email$10 per person. Seating Limited Atlanta, GA: September 14 – Dunwoody Baptist Church: …

Empowering Women in Nepal

ServLife sponsored 5 regional women’s conferences throughout Nepal in 2004 in bringing together women for 2-3 days of fellowship, Bible teaching, singing, and meals together. Over 600 women in Nepal …