ServLife's primary objective is to connect projects or efforts with a local church in the community. Since we strive to impact and transform whole communities, we believe connecting children's outreach, economic development projects, or educational efforts to a local church are inseparable from our work. However, this can be challenging because ServLife works in many regions where the church is small and fragile. Often a church has one pastor, who may not be trained or fully supported by his congregation. This means his work is divided between his family, church, and perhaps, another occupation.

ServLife helps oversee community development initiatives in a way that prevents further splintering of the local pastor's already cut-short time. As we undertake these projects, our staff helps provide logistics, infrastructure, support and coaching to the churches supporting them. We always want people in need to know that the local church is working on their behalf - even when there are few or no resources to do so.
Empowerment: We believe the key agent for God's kingdom in the world is best expressed in the beauty and diversity of the local church. We will work with these churches around the world to bless, serve and multiply other local churches. ServLife operates our own church planting initiatives as well as serving other church groups.
Equipping: Many local pastors in regions where we work have no formal education or Bible training. To help these leaders become more effective in sharing Christ's love with their people, ServLife helps equip them with learning venues ranging from a one year missionary/leadership training school in India to partnerships with other training schools and organizations that help train local church leaders.
Multiplication: We believe God intends for His church to multiply. With this in mind, ServLife provides financial support to church planters who are trained within one of our training schools. We commit to guide these workers for at least five years with the objective of church growth that will someday support them.