Rescuing Children At Risk


india children 06.jpgWe believe in helping rescue and rebuild the lives of children who have experienced abuse, neglect and injustice.

ServLife currently operates two children’s homes. One home is located in north India, the other is in Kathmandu, Nepal. The children who come to these homes are both full-orphan (both parents are deceased) and half-orphan (only one parent has died). Sadly, nearly all of their stories are all replete with conditions of neglect, trauma and abuse that they have experienced.

These children live in a community environment where they are offered education, clothing, food and love. Knowing the limited options for them, we believe the homes in Nepal and India have rescued many from child labor and the sex trade that is rife in the region. On a similar note, we also offer care and love to children of poor labor workers in northern Indian communities.

Children Singing

A Brief Synopsis of ServLife Initiatives Among Children

  • A school for primary age children in north India  (up to 2nd grade)
  • Sponsorship to children in the community for education and clothing
  • Sholarships for children in southern Thailand
  • Education aid for Sudan refugee children
  • Operating after-school program for children in South Africa townships
  • 2 Children’s homes

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