“They have no idea what to do,” Nepal Director Bekharaj shares about the new pastor training students. “They need training and they need skills. Once they come here, they really discover their skills and their calling.”
Over the last 15 years, more than 150 pastors have been equipped and empowered to plant churches and disciple believers through the ServLife pastor training school in Nepal. Bekharaj points out, “This year we have 14 students from 13 different districts of Nepal.” At the school, pastors spend 3 months receiving Biblical, theological, and spiritual life training. At the end of the 3 months, they are also given small business loans that they can use to start a side business immediately upon return to their homes. This provides the opportunity to make a living while also following their calling of starting a church.

Many pastors arrive for the training lacking confidence in their abilities to preach the Word of God or share the Gospel, but the training gives practical teaching and practice to grow that confidence. Bekharaj shares, “When they came to the training center three months ago, they were not confident. And then when they are here now, their confidence level is very high. They have grown in the Word of God. They have grown in faith.”
Each month of training is focused on a different aspect of the pastor’s education. The first month is spent focusing on the spiritual life of the pastor. They are taught about prayer and how to foster a rich spiritual life through devotion, Bible study and fasting.

The second month focuses on Biblical foundations. The Bible is presented as a whole and they’re given a full survey of the Old Testament and New Testament to understand the big picture from Genesis to Revelation.
Finally, the third month is where they are taught more intricate theological studies. The nature and character of God, security of salvation and the other religions they may encounter are taught so they are prepared for life outside the training school. They are also equipped in ministry practices such as discipleship, evangelism, counseling and missions.
Through this training the prayer is that the pastors are able to leave with the confidence that they are called by God to do this work and empowered with the skills needed to persevere in ministry. When asked why this training is important, Bekharaj replies, “We know that the leaders need to be equipped since they are in the frontline (of ministry). They are teaching people; they are impacting people’s lives.”