ServLife India Conference Hosts Third Annual Conference

On November 16-19, more than 43 local pastors gathered in north India for ServLife’s third annual leadership conference. The thread in common for all? Each had been trained through ServLife’s one year training program. An additional twelve church planters/partners also attended, offering encouragement and support as they, too, enjoyed training offered by founder/president Joel Vestal, pastor Albert Das and Adam Nevins from Common Ground Church, Indianapolis. A team from Common Ground joined the group, along with Dr. Bridget Hurry who provided medical care to the orphans and pastors.

The vision for Servlife India is to train leaders and multiply the church in villages and towns where no churches exist,” explained Das. “So bringing these men back every year is critical. They need the encouragement as much as they do the ongoing training.”

Joel Vestal agreed. “Our goal in India is to start 1,000 churches. When they’ll all be planted, we’re not sure. But with God’s grace and empowerment, we think this is a realistic and exciting goal.”

Vestal briefly explained ServLife’s planting process. By supporting church planters for approximately five years, he says, and then decreasing support, but offering income generating projects that sustain the pastor’s livelihood, both the new church community and the pastor become self-supporting.

Please pray about sponsoring a church planter or grass roots worker who is advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The cost is $25 per month, the investment in human lives, priceless. Click here to sponsor.

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