Be Still

In March, 2024, just over 100 pastors gathered south of Kathmandu overlooking the valley for three days of ongoing training, equipping and encouragement. The conference theme was based on Psalm 46:10, “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

“Many times we are doing so many things and sometimes we really forget to have a relationship with God,” Nepal Director Bekharaj shares. “Sometimes we are talking, talking, and we have no time for listening [to] God’s voice.” The conference was an opportunity to give pause and be reminded that rest is found in God alone. God’s proximity to His people means we can rely on Him and let Him do the heavy lifting in ministry.

The pastors traveled by foot, bicycle and bus from remote villages all throughout Nepal. They all graduated from ServLife’s pastor training school and are able to connect regularly to Regional Coordinators for prayer, encouragement and advice. This annual conference serves as a further reminder that they are not alone in leadership, and it recharges the pastors to continue the ministry. “My hope and desire for the church planters when they go back,” Bekharaj shares, “they will be more encouraged in the ministry.”

Many of the pastors oversee multiple church communities and are always raising up leaders within the church. Often these leaders eventually attend the pastor training school and become pastors themselves.

“Our mission is to train the leaders and equip them,” Bekharaj concludes. “After that they will go back…and share [the] good news of Jesus to their people, community, so that they will also know the truth about Jesus. And they will also be a family of God.”