Amy Nicholson Starts Afterschool Program for Children in South Africa


In January 2006, Amy Nicholson, ServLife Staff member in South Africa, was introduced to Zoleka, a Christian women living in Red Hill. Red Hill is an informal settlement outside of Cape Town, South Africa. It is comprised entirely of shacks; there are no formal structures, no running water, no schools, and no clinics. Children are bussed to schools in neighboring communities. There is no public transport to and from Red Hill making it difficult for people to get to and from work. Many people are unemployed and many are suffering from HIV and AIDS. Life is a struggle in Red Hill. Red Hill was recently devastated by fires, read more about this story how ServLife is responding.

Amy and Zoleka had a heart and a vision to reach out and care for the children of Red Hill. They decided to start an afterschool program for the children in a local church. The focus of the children’s club would be to teach about HIV/AIDS prevention, health care, social skills, and making good decisions. It would also be a safe place for kids to have fun, learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and receive a small meal.

The club started small, meeting only on Mondays and Tuesdays with an average of 25 kids in attendance. In the 2 years since the club began, it has expanded to meeting Mondays through Thursdays and now serves approximately 60 kids. The kids range in age from 4 to 13 years old, with 4-9 year olds attending on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 10-13 year olds attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As an expansion of the afterschool program, Amy and Zoleka have also held Christmas parties, birthday parties, field trips, and holiday bible clubs for the children.

Please pray for:

  • Zoleka and for Amy and for the work that they are doing in Red Hill.
  • That God will sustain them, encourage them, and continue to provide for all of their needs.
  • The children and families of Red Hill, for employment for the parents, the prevention of HIV/AIDs, and that the children will remain in school and make wise choices.
  • The advancement of the Kingdom of God throughout Red Hill.

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