At the beginning of Colossians 2, Paul emphasizes his commitment to the people in Colossia and Laodicea. “I want you to realize that I continue to work as hard as …
Give Freely
In Matthew 10, Jesus sends out his twelve disciples and tells them to share that the kingdom of heaven is near and to heal the sick. At the end of …
Both Hands
As I read through the Gospels I am continually struck by Jesus’ consistent ministry both teaching and showing the love of God. Matthew 9:35 summarizes it well, “Jesus went through …
Halfway There
We’re halfway through August, which means we’re halfway through Child Sponsorship Month! First, we want to thank you for your involvement. The support you have shown has been a blessing …
The Way of Jesus
In Deuteronomy 10:12, the straightforward desire of God’s heart for all humanity is revealed: “What does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk …
Changed Forever
Josh and Natalie Case joined ServLife on our last trip to Nepal. It was a life changing experience. Josh has taken the time to share how their hearts were broken …