By the grace of God, Bhakti and Udaya were able to start the Nepal children’s ministry in 2003. Since then, the ministry has grown from two kids to over 350 children throughout the country. 29 of those kids live in the Kathmandu Children’s Home where Bhakti and Udaya are home parents. Having rented children’s home facilities for decades, they are eager to finally build their own “forever home” for the kids.

The land has been purchased, the blueprints have been drawn up (by EMI – read more about their trip here), and now they are just waiting for the Nepali government to survey the land and settle a property line dispute. Each month, Udaya and his team have reached out asking for someone to come survey the land, and week after week they’ve been told, “yes, yes, someone will come out,” but they just keep delaying it.
After raising $200,000 in the last year for this home, Udaya’s humble request is this, “do not send more money for the building (right now), but please just pray. Pray that God would release the government officials to come and survey the land.” Once the land has been surveyed, construction can begin right away. Udaya continues, “we are depending on God’s sight and his eyes upon our work and our ministry to go forward. So for that, we are praying and we ask you to also pray with us.”

Udaya concludes, “once we start our building project, then of course I will humbly request that you can give more funds. So now whatever we have, we can start with that. So, when we need more we will ask for more, right now no funds, just pray for us. We need your prayers; we need God’s mighty hand to work on the project so we can start.”