Early this spring, 30 women in 2 locations in east Nepal gathered together to attend a sewing training. They left their homes each day for 6 weeks and attended daily devotions, training, and had the opportunity for additional practice after sessions. They received lessons on everything there is to know about sewing, from threading the machine to the speed at which to sew, to seam allowances for different types of clothing. They were also taught to sew 12 different clothing designs of local items that are worn in their region. Each technique was taught and then practiced until proficiency was gained.

By the end of the training, each woman completed a Kurta (traditional clothing) and wore it to their graduation. Director Bekharaj shares, “Our target is not only that we give them the skill but we want to see them grow in their capacity and in their faith so they can grow in their relationship with God.”
After completion of the course and graduation, they also received a sewing machine and sitting chair as tools to start their business. Bekharaj continues, “The sewing training opens the door for them to start a business so they can make money. Through this platform of sewing training, we can bring the gospel to those who don’t know about Christ.”

By providing this opportunity to learn a skill, not only are these women gaining confidence and autonomy, but they’re also being empowered by the love shown to them throughout the training. “So that is why we are doing this sewing training, especially in the village for those people who are living in poverty. I mean this is a way of showing love for people who are living in the village.”
Click here to donate to our next sewing training in Spring 2023.