ServLife Launches new Children's Home in Nepal

udayajkjkjkjkjk.jpg“My heart is for children to come to know Jesus Christ in my country and have hope for their future. Hinduism offers no hope and millions of abandoned children in my country are trapped in the darkness of false idol worship,” says Udaya Bhatta, director of ServLife’s new children home in Kathmandu, Nepal. Through eight years of civil conflict with Maoists rebels, thousands of children are being left orphaned. This new ServLife ministry is committed to nurturing and growing the children’s home to minister to abandoned and orphaned children throughout Nepal. Udaya has a long history of ministering to children and was even put in prison in 2001 for 21 days for teaching a Bible study to a group of teenagers. This new ministry is being supported by your financial gifts. Children will be supported with school fees, food, clothing, and most importantly love from godly adults. Sponsoring a child is only $30 per month. “We want to love them like they are our own children and teach them to love the Lord.” says Bhakti Bhatta, Udaya’s wife.

Udaya is from the mountains of west Nepal and comes from a high caste Hindu family. He was not able to start school until he turned twelve years old and worked as a shepherd as a small boy. He went on to College to study Theology. After his father was physically healed after an Indian missionary prayed for him, their entire family accepted Christ. Udaya is also a pastor of a small fellowship that meets in his home.

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