Pastor Robby

Robbie (name changed for security reasons) grew up with a mother and uncle who were devout Christians, and they took him to church every weekend. Even though his own father and other relatives shunned them and rejected their beliefs, they never stopped going to church, reading the Bible, and growing in their faith. After attending a conference at age 14, Robbie accepted Jesus as his Savior.

As a teenager, Robbie volunteered at the church in many ways. “I was involved in church activities like leading worship,” he shares. “I was given responsibilities in the church, and a passion for ministry grew in my heart.” His passion and calling led him to the ServLife Pastor Training, and his conviction deepened. “When I was in the training center, I started to know and understand the Bible more deeply. We were taught how to study the Bible, how to preach, and more. The mission of church planting really affected my life and vision, and now I teach others now how to study the Bible in context.”

He returned home from the training and served at his local church and branch churches when he heard of a nearby village that had no church or Christians. “I went there for one year and shared the Gospel and started a church there. I raised up a leader to pastors that church. Then I went to west Nepal as a missionary for one year.” Pastor Robby served a tribe with no believers, and after a year of preaching to 600 people, finally two villagers came to faith.

Finally, Pastor Robby started a church in his home village with a modest congregation of 15 adults. “I have been teaching God’s word and lives are being transformed,” Robby shares. “People who used to be bad people with bad character have come to faith and are now setting a good example. Even nonbelievers are happy because people who used to be bad are now being good. Our members are sharing the Gospel with neighbors and family members.”

Pastor Robby isn’t done yet. He wants to train and equip the people in his church, and prepare a leader to eventually take over in 4-5 years. “I want to equip them to share the gospel,” Pastor Robby says with a smile on his face. “To be mature in God’s Word. For the church to be salt and light to our community. Then I will go to another place to start another church.”