Organize a "ServLife-Peace Night (Luke 10:6-7)" in your Home or Church to Raise Awareness and Money for our Mission

We are seeking to leverage ServLife friends and supporters and ask for your help to broaden our donor base and raise funds.  Do you support and believe in the mission of ServLife?  Have you given a donation?    We are trying to organize 10 “ServLife-Peace Nights around the country either in a home or church.

Luke’s gospel quotes Jesus giving instructions to his disciples for their ministries. He says when someone offers peace to stay in that house and do not go from house to house. (read Luke 10:6-7)  Many have taken this text to apply to ministry within the arena of church planting, personal evangelism, fundraising,  student ministry or ministries kinds.  I believe it can be true about the ministry or raising awareness and funds for God’s work.

The event  is simple:

  • You decide what day and time  in the evening the event should start (suggested time is after dinner)
  • It can be as formal or casual as you would like
  • ServLife can help provide small snacks and coffee to allow for people to visit for 20 minutes upon arrival
  • You invite a network of your friends who potentially have the same capacity to give to ServLife that you do. The goal would a group of 5 -10 people and who would not know about ServLife (or more)
  • Joel Vestal will come and speak to the group for a short 10-15 minutes, introducing people to ServLife (history, values and future) through multi media  (Key donors have donated frequent flyer miles to use
  • 5-10 minutes of questions (optional)
  • The host (that is you)  will then make an appeal to their guests that they invited and sharing (if they are comfortable) “I give X amount to this organization / support this organization and I am asking you to match this gift / give generously tonight”   OR  “I support this mission would you help our family raise $X amount tonight for them

Please call our office at 317.544.0484 or Contact us via email

ServLife can provide literature and other resources if available.

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