Opening The Way

12189936_10153043649580146_6967888926809044774_nOn April 25 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit central Nepal, followed by a 7.3 magnitude on May 12. Aftershocks have continued for months in the 4-5 magnitude range. Over 8,000 people have died and over 500,000 homes have been destroyed. As ServLife seeks to meet the needs of communities effected by the earthquake, local directors and pastors have been instrumental to the work.

Pastor Kamal has been particularly busy since the earthquake. “All the houses in our village collapsed.” Kamal explains, “We can’t go back to our village because it’s very dangerous. There are still rocks falling from the mountain all the time. We are not even harvesting our fields because they are in the path of the rockslides.” Pastor Kamal’s entire community was in danger due to rockslides, lack of food, water, and proper shelter. They had to move all 44 families to a safe location, where they lived in tents made out of 11391785_10152821827355146_4637320821143553313_n-e1436366458748-904x630tarps and sticks. They needed help to get provisions and shelter to protect them from the stormy monsoon season that hits Nepal in the summers.

Situated on the side of a treacherously steep mountain, Pastor Kamal’s village could not get relief as it was too far from cities and difficult to reach after the damage of the earthquake. The government assistance could not reach them. That’s when Pastor Kamal appealed to ServLife for relief. With ServLife’s help he organized long term temporary shelters and food and water relief for all 44 families, including those who were not a part of his congregation. “Before the earthquake, lots of our neighbors did not have a good attitude toward Christians,” Pastor Kamal told us, “but after the earthquake and the relief we received through ServLife they have changed their minds… It has opened a way for the gospel.” God provided an opportunity to share His love and expand His Kingdom, even in the midst of tragedy. Pastor Kamal is seeing the way opened and hearts transformed through his active, physical care for his community.

If you would like to help communities and pastors like this, please visit our earthquake relief page to find out more.

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