Kamaiya School Update- Fully Equipped with Supplies and Sparking Change in Community


Through your help, ServLife has provided resources to better equip the Kamaiya school in western Nepal, which was started by a local ServLife mission worker. The school now has doors and shutters for the windows. There is furniture for both the students and the teachers including blackboards, whiteboards, tables, chairs and benches. The volunteer teachers are now receiving a monthly stipend for compensation. There is a water pump so the 100+ students and teachers have drinking water. And the students all have books for Math, Social Studies (English) and Nepali.

ServLife desires to equip local leaders to impact an entire community. Our impact in areas of education and economic development are a priority where workers go to establish a church. Our aim is to work with ServLife’s indigenous mission workers who have been through our training program. In the village of Shivanagar in West Nepal, Dayaram Chudhari has his ministry. Earlier this year, ServLife took on the responsibility of equipping the village school. Dayaram had a vision to share the love of Christ with a people who have been historically slaves throughout the nation. The school was started over a year ago and was nothing more than a mud and thatch structure. There were previously no doors, books or desks. There was no available water and the teachers were volunteers. The students sat on the floor and the teachers drew in the dirt to explain their points. In the last few months, the school has come a long way. This is very strategic because this village has had no school to educate their children.

These improvements at the school have sparked positive changes in the community as well. The community has since started an experimental farm where they are using new practices in a makeshift greenhouse. They have also started a mud-brick operation where they form bricks with special machinery and dry them in the sun. This process is a safe and low-impact way for them to improve their living standards. The changes in Shivanagar are inspiring and a window into how ServLife is seeking to transform the regions we are working.

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