“The theme of this conference was Joy in Trials. Because the last two years we all went through various trials,” Nepal Director Bekharaj shares. Last month he joined speakers from India and the USA to share with church planters and leaders from all over Nepal. They gathered in Pokhara, Nepal, for a conference where the pastors could come together and feel encouraged by the camaraderie, teaching, and time to recharge.
While together they heard messages from James 1 about finding joy in the midst of trials. Director Bekharaj shared how there are ways to overcome those trials. Part of being able to overcome trials is to know that, “You are not alone, we are in this together. We are behind you and we are praying for you.” The speakers also gave encouragement to the attendees about growing in their capacity as leaders, and that this time together each year can serve as a learning and growing experience.

During their time in Pokhara, the pastors were also given the opportunity to go out on the lake in boats and enjoy God’s creation. Rarely experiencing recreation and rest, they enjoyed boating, cycling, and hiking together. They returned to the conference after this sacred rest and worshiped together through dancing and song.

Bekharaj shares, “We want them to go back home with joyful hearts and feeling prepared to minister to people.”