ServLife has been working in Bihar, India, since 1997 and in 2019 launched a school for 100 children in the remote village of Marocha. Bihar is in many ways the most challenging state in India with the highest crime rate, murder rate and poverty rate. Indian Christians refer to it as the graveyard of missions and the need for the love of Jesus is tremendous.
The village of Marocha, in Bihar, has a population of 1,000 with an extremely low literacy rate and extremely high poverty rate. Most families live on less than $1/day and have not been able to send their children to school. Providing education, teaching English, and starting each day with morning Bible teaching is having a transformative effect on the children’s lives.
“The children that we have picked in this sponsorship program,” Indian Director Raja shares, “are first generation children to get any kind of formal education.”
The school launched with kindergarten through 3rd grade, and God-willing we plan to add a grade each year through 8th grade. “We can touch a large number of people’s lives in this village of Marocha… I think it is very important for us to have this program in this place, in such a needy place.”
Sponsor a child today to provide hope, care and love, and a solid education.