VBS 2.0

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VBS 2.0

For me VBS brings to mind some of the most precious children and treasured times of my life. I’ve taught children in six different countries and across metropolitan areas in the USA but the children at the ServLife India complex left more than just a lasting impression with me. They posses a joy and attention to the teaching of the Word and laughter that gave me a glimpse of their character. They’re not just children in an orphanage in the state of Bihar, India, they know that their residence is in heaven and they long to see that day. They have hope in the Lord- hope that is deeply seeded and active. These children seem to have an ardent belief in their savior and the fact that he will save them from the depravity of the world. I loved the responses given to questions asked about their faith- they answered with a conviction and assurance of where they stood with Christ.

These children gather together with an enormous respect for each other and for their teachers and will wait quietly for direction. They loved sharing their talents in preparing skits for us each day and they willingly shared songs that they have in their repertoire. The children flourish in their home because of the love that is so evident by their caretakers.

Now, Vacation Bible School has a broader definition that includes the precious children of the ServLife India complex, and because of them I will never see VBS the same again.

– Lauren

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