Churches in Thailand Helping Haiti through ServLife

A total of 5 small churches recently donated $550 USD towards ServLife’s work in Haiti. The church in Thailand is small and this was a great example and model of sacrificial giving and witness.

ServLife has been working in southern Thailand since the Tsunami hit in Dec. 2004. In our efforts to help these victims have an opportunity to live life with a sense of dignity and have the means to provide for their basic needs, ServLife began the Hope Fund in Thailand to give out small loans to unemployed and under-employed people in the region.

A management committee, comprised of members of the local church and the community, was then created in 2006 to manage the Hope Fund in Thailand. Ownership of the fund has since been handed over and has been run by the Thai people in the community.

When the earthquakes hit Haiti, the believers in southern Thailand mourned and could relate with the devastation the people of Haiti were experiencing. Sujit, one of the local pastors on the Hope Fund committee in Thailand, decided to respond by joining with four local Thai churches to raise and donate $550 to ServLife’s work in Haiti. Read Sujit’s message to ServLife below:

“We, in Thailand, after hearing about the earthquake in Haiti, were very sorrowful. As Christians, we knew we should do something for the people in Haiti and not only praying. So I told our brothers in the church and 4 other churches in the area that we need to come together and help. Although we are small churches, we believe that many drops of rains make the seas. We are glad to be a small part in joining others that are helping in Haiti. Because we know you, Servlife, and have seen many things you have done with us in Thailand when the tsunami came, we are glad to join with you in this time. We always pray for you. God bless, Sujit. (Hope of Phuket Church)


(Posted: 2010-02-19)

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