A Thanksgiving Prayer

God our most holy Friend, we come before you as wanderers who need to come home to familiar ground and saving grace. We come compromised from seeking a living in a ruthless world, in need of facing our failures and regaining our bearings.
Christ have mercy.

We come seeking that shepherd-love that gave Mary Magdalene back her sanity, Zacchaeus back his self respect, Peter a second chance, and Paul a totally new life.  Lord have mercy. And now, holy Father, please lift us out of our pre-occupation with our own needs Allow us to trust you with all that is past and to commit to you all that is to come.

Christ, we give you thanks.

Make us joyful in all the goodness we have received from your hands. And let us seek the same grace and joy for those who live and work beside us.
Create in us a new gratitude for all people who are loving, true and beautiful. Awaken in us a longing for the qualities of Christ Jesus.

Christ have mercy

Please make us aware of the immense company of people surrounding us, both past and present, and all those who are yet to come, who trust, love and worship you, world without end. Lord have mercy. We give you thanks

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