3 Christians Abducted by Seperatists Rebels after Worshiping at a church Started by ServLife Mission Worker

In a small, remote Indian village named Bijapur (in the Chattisjargh state), three men were recently abducted and beaten. Every Sunday after worship Indian Christians normally fellowship and share a meal together consisting of the simple Indian staples rice and daal (lentils). On August 22, a meal was shared and no one knew that what was about to happen would change this little church forever.

After eating together these three men left with their families and started to walk home where they were abducted in the road by extreme rebels. Their wives and children were not harmed and ran for safety. It was known in the community that these men had become Christians. They were held in a single room for three days, beaten, denied water, and asked to give information about other believers in the community.

Albert Das, Director of Servlife Empowering Society, had baptized these three men in 2007 who had come to faith in Jesus Christ. The church gathered to pray for these 3 men and for their release. They could not report this to local police who denied Christians help, only serving the Hindus. The only justice they could hope for would be through their prayers and the divine hand of God.

The men were set free after three days, starving and beaten by wooden clubs. They had cuts and bruises all over their bodies. The small group of believers celebrated together that they were living, that God had delivered them and that all the children were able to see their fathers again.

Albert Das shares about this event, “Please pray for the Christian work in India as there is persecution from every corner. Pray God will protect our workers and bring justice to those who did wrong and against the Christian church.”

Please pray for the church in India and click here to make a donation to the work of the gospel.

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