Preaching the Gospel and serving the poor, it can be easy to adopt a scarcity mindset. And yet, God owns everything and desires to provide for our physical and spiritual needs. With this in mind, ServLife’s annual Pastors’ Conference focused on John 1:16, “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.”
“Our main focus was abundance,” Director Bekharaj shares. “It doesn’t mean to have a surplus all the time, but God provides our needs. We also focused on family, focused on mission, evangelism and discipleship as well.”

In March 2019, almost 130 pastors and their spouses gathered for three days of training and encouragement at the annual Pastors’ Conference in Chitwan, Nepal. Many of the pastors face increased opposition from Hindu fundamentalists, and were encouraged by Bekharaj and others that “We don’t need to be afraid about anything because God is with us.”

USA staff member Rachel Moss shared with the pastors’ wives about discipleship and discovering and implementing your spiritual gifts. “Meeting and sharing with the pastors’ wives showed me not only how hungry they are to grow in Christ themselves, but also to share Jesus in their communities,” Rachel reflects. “You can see how much the Kingdom is at work in Nepal.”
Over the course of three days the pastors and their spouses were encouraged, enjoyed kindred fellowship, and had fun at Chitwan National Park. Bekharaj sums it up, “It was a great time with everyone.”