WHERE: India and Nepal
TRIP DATES: October 22-November 2
Application/deposit deadline: July 13 August 4, 2014
PURPOSE: Partner with ServLife to engage with our ministries in Southeast Asia. Participants will spend time encouraging and investing in local pastors at ServLife’s new pastor training institutes in Raxaul, India and Kathmandu, Nepal. The team will facilitate a VBS at the children’s homes in both locations. People with skills and/or gifts in teaching, encouragement or working with children are encouraged to apply.
COST: The estimated cost of the trip is $2,500 (this is an approximate cost and trip cost may vary slightly depending on airline ticket prices). Don’t let finances keep you from applying or pursuing the trip opportunity. Financial assistance may be available through church partners.
TRIP LEADER: Adam Nevins
Passport: required
Visa: required (details at team meetings)
Immunizations: Visit the CDC website for India and Nepal
WHO MAY GO: Anyone interested in the work and mission of ServLife and becoming more involved in God’s work in India and Nepal is welcome to apply for the trip. Those with a heart for this part of the world are encouraged to apply (10 spots are available).
*The minimum team size is five members and the trip will be canceled if the minimum size is not reached.