Imagine this: Your pastor is kidnapped and burried in the ground for 3 days with only his head above the ground. He is told he must stop being a pastor and stop preaching about Jesus Christ. He is given no water or food and beaten for 3 straight days. This is what happened just recently to a ServLife indigenous mission worker in India. We must help these mission workers! read more
We are seeking 15 churches or groups to organize and promote a yard sale in the months of October and November. ServLife has 125 indigenous staff throughout Nepal and India who are working to share God’s love and establish a church. In recent years, increased persecution and injustice has occured amont the church in the region and to ServLife staff.
ServLife has organized several yard sales working with local churches. One Saturday, $1,000 to $3,000 can be raised. It is a great group project and way to put your faith in action. Please contact us and let us help you organize a successful sale and a way to involve your church in building global community and serving our brothers and sisters in the world.
For each church or group that participates, we will list your name on our web site and present a small gift of thanks for your efforts. Allow your compassion be put into action!