2025 Pastors’ Conference Trip
WHERE: Nepal
TRIP DATES: Feb. 26 - March 8, 2025
The cost does not include passport or immunizations.
TEAM: 12 spots available
TRIP LEADER: Adam Nevins
Partner with ServLife International to bring encouragement and training to pastors in Nepal at our annual Pastor’s Conference. Trip members will spend time with the pastors, help with some logistics of the conference, and teach at the conference or share a devotional. Join with us in encouraging these pastors as they serve in some of the most remote corners of the world. The conference theme and dates will be determined by August.
- Passport
- Nepal Visa upon arrival
- Immunizations (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/nepal.htm)
Pastor Training School
Since 2002 ServLife has trained over 300 pastors to launch churches, with over 10,000 people attending 350 churches now. We train pastors who go to some of the darkest unreached locations in India and Nepal where they are planting churches, and caring for communities. Pastors do more than just preach the Word. They are the embodiment of God’s love to the communities they serve- communities including the poor, oppressed, sick, and outcast.
“Our one desire is to see the healthy church...” Director Bekharaj shares. “That’s why we train leaders and pastors.”
Train a PastorOnly $200/mo.