Experience Building Global Community Firsthand
2025 Pastor Conference Trip
Feb. 26 - March 8, 2025 Partner with ServLife to bring encouragement and training to pastors in Nepal at our annual Pastor’s Conference. Trip members will spend time with the pastors, help with some logistics of the conference, and teach at the conference or share a devotional. This is a great trip for pastors and leaders interested in deepening their understanding of the global church.
Teacher Training Trip
July, 2025 Partner with ServLife to lead a conference to train teachers from ServLife partner schools in Far-West Nepal. Trip members will spend time with the teachers and school staff to help facilitate a three-day teacher training conference in West Nepal. This is a great trip for teachers and students with a desire to help build up Nepal and learn more about education in other cultures.
Nepal Vision Trip
November 5-15, 2024 Partner with ServLife to engage with our ministries in Southeast Asia. The team will facilitate a VBS in Kathmandu and west Nepal. This is a great opportunity to see new countries, get to know new cultures, and learn about what God is doing in Nepal.
The Details
When participating in a ServLife Vision or Renewal Trip, there are certain guidelines we use in the planning and administering of the short term trips. The ServLife USA office will help your group as much as possible to have a productive and fruitful volunteer ministry experience. The following is a list of responsibilities and requirements ServLife has for sanctioning a trip through our organization, and groups desiring to participate in a ServLife trip must agree to these expectations. We will send you a "letter of good intent" to sign and send back to our office. With the experience we have in organizing these trips to these regions we work, we will help your group get the most affordable ticket possible and work with you to ensure your trip is a success with the least amount of stress possible.
- ServLife will purchase the airline tickets up front for the group and find the most affordable rates. ServLife will send the group or church an invoice for the airline ticket purchase to be reimbursed before departure. In the event that an individual backs out of the trip and the ticket has been purchased, the group is responsible for any cancellation fees that will be charged to cancel the ticket.
- ServLife will arrange for misc. transportation that is needed (airport pickups, etc.)
- ServLife will book hotels and arrange living accommodations.
- There will be a $100 non-refundable application fee per person to cover administrative, communications, and logistical costs related to the trip planning.
- Before the group's departure, they will need to have all of their Trip Budget sent to ServLife.
- Groups will have an option to allow a ServLife staff person to handle all the purchasing of meals, hotels, and transportation and not have the team worry about this. This is to avoid overpaying and being cheated by local vendors, taxi drivers, etc. If groups are over 10 people, the team may need to assume some of these expenses while overseas.
- ServLife will help arrange for volunteers to obtain emergency evacuation and travel insurance. (ServLife highly recommends volunteers obtaining this in the case of a fatal accident, death, or serious illness)
- ServLife staff member(s) will be available to host and lead the volunteer group for their ministry activity.
- Each participant must sign a medical release form and a volunteer release form to participate in the trip and return to ServLife's office BEFORE they depart.
- ServLife will work with the volunteer group to help prepare their ministry activity.
- ServLife will provide a budget with estimated cost for their trip for meals, lodging and local transportation.