The Light and Love of Jesus

Adam_HS_largeIn Matthew 5:16 Jesus says to “let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.” In the beginning, God created light. Then Jesus came and said that He was the light, and if we follow Him we will have the light of life. Then before leaving earth Jesus says that his followers, you and me and the family of God, are the light, because we are the incarnation of Jesus to the world.

Jesus’ invitation to let light shine through us is central to our mission and purpose in life. I imagine this light of love and life shines like a lighthouse lamp, piercing the darkness with the power of a million candles to project over 40 miles. And at other times it is a lone tipping candle, bowing to light the wick of another. On a clear night, even one lone candle can be seen up to 30 miles away.

Your light has spread to the other side of the world and it shines brightly. It shines in the smile of a child who just learned to read. It shines in the recently healed widow, just baptized into the way of Jesus. It shines in the family in a remote village eating a full hearty meal provided by their new small business. Your tilted candle is spreading and shining the light of Jesus in some of the darkest places in the world and their lives will never be the same. Thank you for your illuminating love and life.

May we continue to shine and spread the light and love of Jesus.