
In Luke 16:10 Jesus declares, “The one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and the one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”

The Greek word for faithful here is pistos. It means trustworthy, faithful to do your duties. It means we can be relied upon. And pistos comes from the root word, peitho, which means to be persuaded into belief. To believe. To trust.

As we believe and trust God, that fuels our own trustworthiness. And as we trust God’s faithfulness, we are empowered to become more faithful. Trust is really the key to faithfulness. We must trust God, and that will result in our own trustworthiness and faithfulness.

Thank you for trusting God and being faithful to support His work around the world. Your faithfulness has provided funds to train pastors, care for children and grant small business loans to families in need.

May our faith continue to increase and fuel our faithfulness in small and large things in God’s kingdom.