Equitable Compassion

Adam_HS_largeIn Philippians 4:5 Paul encourages his friends and us to “let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people.” The Greek word for gentleness here is “epieikēs,” which means suitable, equitable, fair and gentle. There seems to be a compassionate yet bold act of justice wrapped up in this one word.

It is easy for me to err on either side of this word and miss the balance of compassion combined with right action. But when we embrace equitable compassion, we dive deeper into the work of kingdom justice. As Ken Wytsma puts it, “justice involves harmony, flourishing, and fairness.”

Through your partnership with ServLife, you have created global harmony in ways that would not be possible without your generosity. Your support has rescued children from homelessness and given them a family. It has also provided empowerment through education to create fair employment opportunities. You have supported pastors who preach the love and hope of Jesus at their weekend service. Then on Monday they travel to visit villagers to help with their children, their sick, their businesses, and their well being. You have invested in families to create equitable business loans so they can provide for their own families. Your engagement in gentleness to people on the other side of the world has changed lives.

May we fully engage in justice both in right action and right compassion. May we grow in gentleness and love, and may God’s kingdom flourish in and through our lives.