Ananta Sewa

IMG_3115What is ASNepal? Great question.

ASNepal, or Ananta Sewa Nepal, is the branch of ServLife’s ministry in Nepal that holistically cares for children who are either orphaned or entrenched in poverty. ASNepal cares for 49 children in four homes throughout Nepal and provides 175 education scholarships through programs in Kathmanuda and west Nepal. Nine staff members, led by Director Udaya Bhatta, work tirelessly to care and provide education for these children.

Here are a few of the key areas in which ASNepal works:

Teacher Training

ASNepal cares for children by equipping their teachers. In July, ASNepal led a teacher-training program for 98 teachers in several areas of west Nepal. Teachers felt the program was very effective in enhancing their capacity to teach children. They requested an extended training next year that will cover even more educational topics.

Health Care

ASNepal knows that physical health is extremely important in caring for children. They ensure the children in their homes receive medical care, which includes general checkups and dental work. One of the most impactful medical procedures provided by ASNepal was a life-changing surgery that restored a young boy’s hearing.

Parent Meetings

In an attempt to better care for children, ASNepal staff meets with the parents of children in their scholarship programs. Valuable information is shared between both parents and staff, and strong relationships are fostered in an attempt to care holistically for children receiving scholarships.

Extracurricular Activities

ASNepal also wants kids to have fun. They seek to provide recreational activities for the children in their program, such as vacation Bible school, picnics, quiz competitions, art classes and exercise activities.

Oh, and you’re probably wandering what “Ananta Sewa Nepal” means. It’s Nepali for a concept that is at the heart of ServLife’s mission: Everlasting Service to Nepal.

To help support the life-changing work that ServLife does through ASNepal, click here


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