That is right! 1,000 children are connected and could be considered “ServLife kids” The list includes children who are sponsored, children of indigenous staff, children of reginal leaders, children who attend the ServLife school in India. We need your help and get your family involved or your small group!
A great way to get involved with these children is to help us collect and send supplies to our Indianapolis office and allow volunteers to carry with them. For the rest of 2010, we have over 25 volunteers going from around the country. Some of the things that are in most need are:
- Protein powder (Can be for adults as small quantities are used to put in glasses of milk)
- Children’s vitamins,
- Children’s cold/ cough med’s
- Children’s fever reducer / pain medicine
- Toothpaste
- Anti-bacterial creme
- bandaids
Helping us provide these items to the children is a wonderful way for you to help support ServLife but more importantly share the love of God.
We are asking that you will send $1 per pound of the items you send us to help cover expenses of excess baggage fees or possible overweight charges. If you or people in your group would like to get an update and photos of the items you donate, please include your address and email address.