Ujjwal lives with his parents, little brother Sujal, his grandparents and uncles. His parents Jitender and Dropadi want to see Ujjwal receive a quality education and bring honor to their family. Jitender was determined to find a way for his son to go to school, “I heard about the mission school from my neighbors. They put their child in the school so I decided to get my child Ujjwal admitted also.”

Before attending the mission school Ujjwal would roam around the streets with boys older than him and it concerned his parents. Now he is becoming very disciplined and obedient. When he goes to school he is there for 6 hours and he receives meals along with his education. There are game periods and other activities which are helping him grow and develop friendships.
This school is a mission school where children are not only taught a formal education but are also given character education. “Ujjwal is not only gaining interest in his education but even back at home he sits with his mother and explains what activities happened in their class. Whatever he is learning in school we as parents have to learn also so that we will be able to help him in his studies.”
Jitender shares, “I’m really satisfied with what he is learning and I am very pleased to see his overall performance. I see many changes in my child.” As he’s seeing these improvements in his family he doesn’t want to see it stop. He asks, “Please pray for my children that they continue to get a good education so they can grow up and have a good name in their community.”