Help support the Nevins’ trip to India and Nepal with ServLife this July! Click Make a Donation below to contribute.
Thank you so much for your support!
A note from Christin:
The last time I was in India was July 2007. We had the honor of becoming the parents of our son. Today, I’m writing you about another adventure that will take our whole family back to India this summer—six years after my first visit.
Adam is visiting all the ServLife ministry directors and their families in India and Nepal this July. The main focus is to encourage and support them in the challenging ministry they do every day. The reality is that the wives and children of each director are also very much involved in the ministry, and we hope that our family will be an encouragement to their families.
We enter into this adventure with humility and dependence on God and want to invite you into this mission with us. As we have chai with wives, kick soccer balls with kids and pray with families, you will have a part in that story. We need your prayers. We also need financial support to pull this off. Please consider supporting our trip by clicking Make a Donation below to contribute.
Thank you for the many ways you partner with us both in ministry and as a family seeking to raise Christ-centered children. We appreciate you. Here’s to another adventure!
Grace and peace,
Christin Nevins
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