After much prayer and reflection, Sam and Wendy Lemmons have agreed to move to Kathmandu, Nepal for two years to work on staff with ServLife International.
As active members at Lifebridge Church near Houston, the Lemmons quickly joined the church in partnership with ServLife and visited Nepal for the first time in June 2012. On that trip Sam and Wendy saw firsthand the work that God was doing with pastors, children and the micro-finance program.
Traveling about 6 hours by motorbike on the side of a mountain, they visited the village of Thingan where the HOPE Fund is thriving and helping families escape extreme poverty.
Only a few months later Sam returned for the pastor’s conference in Nepal. As the plane landed in Kathmandu, Sam felt an overwhelming sense of God saying, “This is right where I want you. You are home.”
They will oversee the micro-finance and poverty alleviation efforts in Nepal including managing the HOPE Fund, allocating funds for loans, field reporting and identifying new locations. The Lemmons are extremely committed to the program and are excited to see it continue to grow. Sam points out, “More than simply starting a business, the loans are helping to alleviate hunger and poverty while also creating relationships between the local churches and their communities.”
Please consider helping to support the Lemmons as they minister in Nepal. Pray that God would lead every step of their path, that the HOPE Fund would impact and empower more families and villages, and that God’s glory and love would be made known through the Lemmons.
Make a donation to help the Lemmons meet their goal.