A Volunteer’s Testimony

When considering going on this trip to India, my thought was this: If there is a group of people, beside my family, that I would like to give my best time, efforts, prayer, and resources, I think it would be those leading people to Christ and shepherding them in the hardest parts of the globe. I was not disappointed after 1 day of interacting with the people at ServLife India. The best way to tell the story is that from the moment our plane touched down in Delhi, I could feel some of the oppressive elements you experience in India from environment to culture shock to viewing the plight of many of the people. A long, dusty drive and I was beat and feeling the challenge.

We were awakened at 5:00AM by the children singing in the orphanage above us, and it was such a sweet sound of thankfulness to God that I could not help but weep openly. That was followed by a very clear leading of the Lord to speak on being empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to do things we cannot do on our own. Later that morning, we got our first opportunity to interview some of the pastors, to hear their stories, testimonies, and prayer requests, and to pray for them and their families. My heart was the most alive it has been in the past 5 years. After talking personally with the pastors, preaching/teaching was sweeter…I felt more connected with them, and, I think, they with me. We had an extended and moving prayer time that night after the message and it was great to see what God was doing. That was one day with ServLife India.

One other experience that was powerful was seeing the new land for the guesthouse, school, orphanage, and church. Though the only finished product is the wall surrounding the property, in this new beautiful place, I could envision children thriving and being loved. I could see people worshiping. I could see the space to play and enjoy nature divergent from city life. The guesthouse, which is almost finished and will be the first finished building on the property, is equally inspiring to see.

I loved watching these people worship God with such fervor and zeal. It is the response of grateful hearts to the Lord. It was the response of those who have lived in darkness and now live in the light. It was the response of second chances for children, many of whom had been forsaken and cast-off. Their faces were the light of God shining most brightly in a spiritually dark place. I loved their beaming, redeemed faces most of all.

Thanks to ServLife for allowing us to share in this experience.

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