Breathing Deeply

Adam_HS_largeAlmost all day I’ve had “Your Love Is Strong” on repeat. Jon Foreman sings through my earbuds, “Heavenly Father, You always amaze me. Let Your kingdom come in my world and in my life… Your love is strong.” Meditating on God’s strength helps me exhale. Sometimes I feel like God’s mission is actually my mission and my responsibility. It is in those moments that I am overwhelmed and cannot breathe. But submitting to God’s strength to accomplish His mission leads me to large open meadows beside still waters where I can breathe deeply.

God is accomplishing his mission in India and Nepal, and we are privileged to be a part of it. We cannot take credit as it is not our mission or accomplishment, but we can celebrate it as we play a role and carry a responsibility to help break through the gates of hell and usher in God’s kingdom. And His kingdom is expanding. Pastors are starting churches in villages that had no church. Children with no parents are being given home parents. Families with no means of making a living are being empowered to provide for themselves. That’s how strong God is.

Thank you for adopting God’s mission, relying on His strength, and embracing your role in His kingdom come in this world. God is showing the power of His love through your support to start churches, care for children and empower families through small business loans.

May we rest in the shadow of the Almighty, embracing his love and adopting his mission. May we show the love of God at every opportunity, and may God’s kingdom come in our world and in our lives.

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