The First Wedding

IMG_0257Pastor Madan is only 23 years old, a very young man to be one of the only Christian leaders in a large community. Over 150 people currently attend his church, which is one of only two in the district. Madan has made great leaps in his abilities as a leader and through his faithfulness God is bringing him greater opportunities to share His Word.

This month Madan performed the first Christian wedding ever held in his district. Both Christian and Hindu people in the area were very interested in seeing what a Christian wedding is like.  The whole community usually participates in a wedding in Nepal, so Madan was going to have an intimidatingly large audience. Moreover, it was the first wedding Madan had officiated. Like Moses in Egypt, Madan doubted his ability to perform the task. However there was no more experienced pastor available. Madan’s regional coordinator and elder, Peter encouraged and affirmed his abilities, and he faithfully stepped up to the plate.

On the day of the wedding the whole town turned out to see the ceremony, with over 1,500 people in the street trying to catch a glimpse. The couple, Bikash and Kabita, were excited as Madan performed the ceremony, a historic first in his church. Everyone was joyful when the wedding was completed, but Madan’s task wasn’t over. He and his leadership team set up a sound system on top of a jeep outside in the road, and they preached the gospel to the 1,500 curious people who had gathered in the street to watch. Out of the wedding of one couple, God brought Madan the chance to minister to hundreds. Madan hopes that God will only continue to provide opportunities to bless the people of his area.

If you would like to learn how you can support pastors like Madan who are pioneering the faith in new areas please visit our pastor sponsorship page.


Comments 1

  1. bob-matt wanted me to have you put some preryas out-please pray for matts friends that have been injured or killed in the last week in afganistan: Killed in action-Cpl Joshua Ashley (Military Working Dog Handler) Say A Prayer For The Ashley Family & II MEF K9wounded in action: Cpl Joey Singer (mililtary working dog handler) say a prayer for the singer family & II MEF K9-his mom has been flowen to Germany-Joey is in very very critical condition-not sure if he will make itSuicide:name with held- the young man just got back from afghansitan. shot himself and left a wife and new baby. had been deployed several times.bob is having a very hard time-please put in a little prayer for him-thanks boblove ya brother

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